The Holy Week That Was

There is a popular meme that runs through Facebook every week following Easter, shared by pastors or church staff. It says, "Jesus is risen!" and "The clergy is dead!"

It's very true. There is no tired like Easter tired (it's like jet lag, lasting for several days), and no nap like Easter Sunday naps! Reflecting on all of Holy Week, I am filled with a combination of exhaustion, gratitude, and joy. Here's a recap:

Monday night: Great worship with the Sherman Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance. Joyful music and great preaching.

Thursday night: Holy Thursday. About 40 people gathered to remember the institution of the Lord's Supper. My favorite moment of this service was Linus reading the Gospel text.

Friday night: Good Friday. 100 people or so in attendance. The music was incredibly moving, and sixteen readers read the Passion of Jesus Christ. Very emotional.

Saturday afternoon: Egg hunt and walk through Holy Week. A great turnout of kids and families from the neighborhood. The scramble for the eggs was a major competition! Janet did a great job organizing this. Thanks for the adults and youth who served.

Sunday morning: Wow. The service at the park was tremendous-- more people than chairs! Probably a 60/40 split between church folk and not. The youth did a great job re-telling the Passion and Easter story. James participated in the drama. We thought there would be rain, but thankfully that held off until Monday.

We had great energy on campus too: the kids bells were sweet, we played an Easter version of the classic playground game "Statues," the Grace Bells and choir were amazing, and the praise team at 11:00 was great as always. Congratulations to Lori and Anthony Hartman on the birth of Baby Owen-- he was born just after midnight Monday morning. Thanks to Lori, who started feeling contractions during Easter worship, for holding out until the service was over! Also we owe many thanks to Vicki and Tom Busby, who provided snacks at the sunrise service and between services on campus. Vicki had surgery a couple of weeks ago on her foot so getting around was a bit of challenge, but did you really think that would stop her? Of course not.

We also welcomed lots of new faces to Grace! 341 total faces on Easter Sunday. Thanks to everyone who has provided positive feedback on the whole experience. Our family had a great time sharing our first Easter with you. All Grace is Amazing!
- Pastor Frank
