Next Stop: Spring Valley!

Christy and I are excited to announce that I will be appointed to serve as the Senior Pastor of Spring Valley United Methodist Church in Dallas, effective July 1. It is a real honor to receive this appointment in one of the most diverse and dynamic communities of our conference. The church was founded in 1957 by one of my favorite human beings, the Rev Jack Gibson, and has been served by many pastors whom I hold in great esteem: among them the Revs Anna Hosemann Butler, Larry George, Clara Reed, and its current pastor, Paul Gould, who is retiring. To stand in that tradition is overwhelming. In fact, the very first meeting I had with North Texas Conference officials after I decided to permanently transfer my membership here was held at, you could probably guess, Spring Valley.

When we arrived in Sherman seven years ago, James was entering high school, Miles sixth grade, and Linus 4th. As we leave Grace, James will soon begin his senior year at Austin College, Miles will graduate high school and enroll at Hendrix College in August, and Linus is cruising toward his junior year at a new high school. Serving at Grace, in the Sherman community, has been one of the high points of my ministry. 

The change of appointment will not impact my previously announced renewal leave, which will still take place the day following Easter, April 10, through the end of June. Our last Sunday at Grace will be June 11, and first at Spring Valley will be July 2. Thank you to everyone for your continued support and encouragement throughout this incredible and unpredictable life of ministry. Thanks be to God for this indescribable gift!
