Advent Snowglobes (Day 22)

"Big things come in small packages," folk are fond of saying around Christmas. Advertisers hope we think of expensive trinkets to buy. But not today. This is my smallest snowglobe- a tiny Frosty. It's about as tall as my thumb. I'm thinking about underdogs today because this morning's readings lift up an elderly woman, Elizabeth, pregnant with John the Baptizer; an unmarried, pregnant teenager, Mary the mother of Jesus (both Luke 1); and the small town of Bethlehem (Micah 5). The only interesting thing to come out of Bethlehem was King David; but Jesus would be born there too. Unexpected, surprising places and voices proclaim the coming King of kings. The writer of Psalm 80 pleas for God to take notice of us: "Give ear! Save us! Let your face shine, that we may be saved!" (verses 1-3,7). As you long for God to show up in your life, look in the small places. Listen to the voices that go unheard. Look among the outsiders: the hurting, the hungry, the lost. Allow yourself to be surprised when God shows up. Because it will happen- but not always in familiar, obvious ways.
