Seven Deadly Sins-- Gluttony "Obey Your Thirst!"
Proverbs 23:1-8, 19-21
When you sit down to eat with a ruler,
observe carefully what is before you,
and put a knife to your throat
if you have a big appetite.
Do not desire the ruler’s delicacies,
for they are deceptive food.
Do not wear yourself out to get rich;
be wise enough to desist.
When your eyes light upon it, it is gone;
for suddenly it takes wings to itself,
flying like an eagle towards heaven.
Do not eat the bread of the stingy;
do not desire their delicacies;
for like a hair in the throat, so are they.
‘Eat and drink!’ they say to you;
but they do not mean it.
You will vomit up the little you have eaten,
and you will waste your pleasant words.
Hear, my child, and be wise,
and direct your mind in the way.
Do not be among winebibbers,
or among gluttonous eaters of meat;
for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty,
and drowsiness will clothe them with rags.
observe carefully what is before you,
and put a knife to your throat
if you have a big appetite.
Do not desire the ruler’s delicacies,
for they are deceptive food.
Do not wear yourself out to get rich;
be wise enough to desist.
When your eyes light upon it, it is gone;
for suddenly it takes wings to itself,
flying like an eagle towards heaven.
Do not eat the bread of the stingy;
do not desire their delicacies;
for like a hair in the throat, so are they.
‘Eat and drink!’ they say to you;
but they do not mean it.
You will vomit up the little you have eaten,
and you will waste your pleasant words.
Hear, my child, and be wise,
and direct your mind in the way.
Do not be among winebibbers,
or among gluttonous eaters of meat;
for the drunkard and the glutton will come to poverty,
and drowsiness will clothe them with rags.
So… in case you didn’t know, or you live in some football
insulated bubble, today is the Super Bowl. Who’s for New England? (Boo.) Who’s
for the Giants? (Yes!). Who’s for the Cowboys making the playoffs again
sometime in our lifetimes? Here are some Super Bowl statistics for you—and I
don’t mean Eli Manning’s passing yards or Tom Brady’s interception totals. Did
you know that the Super Bowl is an $11 billion business? Americans will spend,
on average, $64 per person! It is the
2nd biggest food consumption date on the calendar—after
Thanksgiving. That’s right: folk eat more on Super Sunday than Christmas or
Easter! Pizza Hut will deliver two million pizzas today, and Americans will
consume 2 ½ billion chicken wings.
173 million Americans will watch the game—100 million will host or attend a
watching party. Of those viewers, roughly half watch for the actual football,
37% watch for the commercials—which, by the way, go for $4 million for 30
seconds this year! Americans will wager $10B on the game—half of us bet on
it—and five million will buy a new TV for the game.
Continuing in our series on the Seven Deadly Sins, obviously
the sin for today is Gluttony! We are already a heavy society. 64% of Americans
are overweight, and 30% are obese. By the year 2020, 1 in 5 medical issues will
be related to obesity—50% more than today. Over the last couple of decades
childhood obesity has doubled, and diabetes has become an epidemic. The United
States has approximately 15% of the world’s population—but get this: we consume
80% of its resources. A cartoon recently featured a sign outside of a
restaurant: “Specializing in meals that leave you bloated and lethargic,
followed by self-loathing.” The husband says to his wife: “I liked it better
when they called it ‘comfort food’.”
Gluttony is the sin of over consumption. When we eat more
than we should, when we go back for seconds and thirds, when our carbon
footprint is unnecessarily large, we are not enjoying the blessings of God’s
bounty. We are engorging ourselves, to the detriment of our bodies and others.
“Isn’t food a blessing?” “Shouldn’t we enjoy what God has given to us?” Yes!
But a raging appetite is never good for anything, as we have seen throughout
the series. When are appetites exist in a restricted environment, then go for
it! Enjoy! But so often we stretch those boundaries. We end up consuming more
than our fair share, and resources that could have been used for the benefit of
those in need are spent on those who already have enough.
This is an issue I struggle with myself—I have made too many
return trips to the buffet line or the dessert cart. And I have made too many
excuses for skipping a walk or riding my bike—two things I enjoy doing and make
me feel much better. Exercise has been proven to help with the blues, but so
often I am too busy or lazy or too stuck in every day routines to think about
it. Still, I am fortunate that I can hide behind my clergy robe on Sundays.
Recently after a service someone shared a few words of thanks, stepped away,
then came back. She said, “By the way, black is very slimming on you.” What???
So yeah, when I am talking about gluttony, I don’t do it by pointing at you and
not thinking of my own self. I have consumed more than my fair share wayyy too
much in my life. And the food industry is more than happy to order more and
more stuff for me—and you—to eat. I heard a dietician say on the radio that
other day that it takes 20 minutes for our stomachs to communicate to the brain
that we are full, so we should eat slower and take smaller bites. She even
encouraged listeners to put down their fork between bites while chewing.
But gluttony is not only a physical issue. It’s more than a
medical diagnosis or portion control. Gluttony, like all sin, is a spiritual
issue. Gluttony is sinful because it is an attachment to worldly things. The
Apostle Paul reminded us that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1
Corinthians 6:19), meaning that not only does God’s Spirit reside in us, but
that our bodies belong to God. As he put it, “You are not your own.” So it
matters—what we eat, what behaviors we exhibit—it matters. Our actions and
habits reflect upon ourselves and God. So we should stop our rampaging
gluttony. We should embrace simplicity. We should enjoy only as much as we
need. Obsessing on our next meal—living with three boys it’s constant—as I
serve them breakfast they’re asking what’s for dinner—leaves no room for
contemplation about God. Jesus was tempted in the wilderness for forty days,
and his first temptation had to do with food: “Turn these stones into bread.”
But he refused: “One does not live on bread alone, but from every word that
comes from the mouth of God.” Jesus’ time in the wilderness was spent in
devotion—40 days of fasting and prayer.
Fasting is a form of devotion not espoused by the restaurant
association! The voluntary missing of eating, whether a single meal or a day or
several days, is a religious practice observed by nearly every faith. Fasting
was commonplace in biblical times as a way of acknowledging one’s dependence on
God’s provision. In times of mourning or national calamity, leaders would call
for a fast. Knowing that one would not be distracted by the next meal meant one
could focus on spiritual matters. In our society of instant gratification, the
fast has lost its appeal. We don’t even think about it as a spiritual practice.
In fact, our gluttony is so profound that we don’t even speak of it as a sin.
It’s now a commonplace, accepted reality. One that is destroying us every day.
Even our doctors are reluctant to discuss it. This week’s Time magazine mentioned that only about 30% of healthcare providers
mention their patients’ weight, and the percentage is even lower for physicians
that are overweight themselves, particularly if they are heavier than their
Paul mentioned the fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23:
“Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness,
and self-control.” Self control. Mark
Twain said, “It’s east to quit smoking. I’ve done it several times.” The issue
is self-control. Do we really want to stop self-destructive behaviors? Do we
really want to turn away from our appetites and embrace a stronger spiritual
life with the necessary limits?
No one is saying food is inherently bad. Jesus himself
performed marvelous miracles around food and drink. His first sign, according
to John, was at a wedding in Cana, where he changed water into wine. They
didn’t really need more wine—we’re told everyone was already drunk—but when the
steward tasted the recently changed wine he noticed it was better than anything
offered previously. God’s abundant grace is there for each of us to enjoy—it is
limitless and is offered freely. All four of the gospels remembered a story of
Jesus feeding a large crowd with a few loaves and fish. In fact, Matthew and
Mark record the event twice—so six times in four gospels! The disciples are
tired after a long day and ask Jesus to send the crowds because they are
hungry. “You give them something to eat,” Jesus says. But they can’t, so Jesus
tells them to find what they can and bring it to him. After seating the crowds
in groups, Jesus takes the bread, holds it up to heaven, blesses it, and breaks
it for all to share. Everyone eats and there are twelve baskets left over.
The feeding of the crowds is a parable that speaks to the
meal we will share together in a moment. Around the Lord’s table, we are all
invited to share in what our liturgy describes as a feast. Our boys always love
communion Sundays, because they want to consume as much leftover bread and
juice as possible. Which is fine—as long as everyone is served first! John
Wesley understood communion as a means of grace, and encouraged Christians to
partake as often as possible. He often received communion several times a week.
You may say he was a glutton for it—but the more we feast on Christ here the
more we are filled with love and grace. When you come to the Lord’s table, come
with thankful hearts. Come to the feast hosted by your risen Lord. Taste and
see that the Lord is good!
On this Super Bowl Sunday, if you find yourself surrounded
by mounds of pizza, buffalo wings, or whatever else, remember the source of all
good things is God. Whatever we eat, let us each with gratitude for what we
have received, and let us not overindulge ourselves, but leave food for others
to enjoy. I read about a church in Vermont that is observing Super Sunday in a
unique way. West Dover Congregational Church is comprised roughly of half
Patriots fans and half Giants fans. They decided to have their own competition,
inviting congregants and those in the community to bring donations to the
Deerfield Valley Community Food Pantry. Donations will be counted and the
winning team announced at halftime. Then every will enjoy—hopefully not in a
gluttonous way—a potluck lunch!
Jesus said, “I am the Bread of Life. Everyone who eats of the
bread I give will never be hungry.” So see, taste, and enjoy the goodness of God!
Years ago, the marketing campaign for Sprite was, “Obey Your Thirst.” An invitation
to gluttony! As we leave this place, may we obey our thirst for hope. May we obey
our thirst for truth. May we obey our thirst for peace. May we obey our thirst for