New Teaching Opportunities at Custer Road
Our study of the Psalms ends next Sunday the 26th, so we began thinking about future possibilities for Bible study. What to offer? Here is a list of the studies I have led over the last two years at Custer Road:
Gospel of John.
Refresh (sort of a Methodism 101).
Invitation to Genesis.
Seven Deadly Sins.
Invitation to Romans.
Invitation to Psalms.
The Death of the Messiah.
Many of the folks in Psalms participated in several of these studies (they have the scars to prove it), so I sought their input first. After nearly an hour of discussion I had an idea of their, and my own, preferences. This morning I met with Paige Christian and Jerry Butler to hear their feedback and see how the following opportunities will fit into the overall Christian Education plan for Custer Road in 2015-2016. Looks like a slam dunk. Registration links will be available later, but to help those who may be interested in future Bible study with me:
All studies are on Sunday evenings, 6:00-7:30 p.m., unless noted otherwise.
Acts of the Apostles: June 14-July 27 (seven weeks)
We'll explore one of the more exciting books of the Bible, filled with all kinds of adventure. The perfect summer study, to go with the best of the Hollywood blockbuster movies (well, before December at least)!
Christian Believer: September 13-November 8, January 10-May 1, 2016 (24 weeks)
This is a study of the historic doctrines of the Christian faith. In addition to the Bible, we will hear from Christian thinkers going all the way back to the earliest days of the Church. I have offered this course twice before in other churches, and I can honestly say it is the best material I have ever studied. Not a light commitment, but wow, what an incredible experience.
The Birth of the Messiah: December 6, 13, 20 (three weeks)
This will be the same format as The Death of the Messiah course we offered during Lent. We will consider works of art depicting the nativity of Jesus, and then study the biblical accounts of his birth/origin: Matthew, Luke, and John (Mark evidently wasn't interested).
Unknown Lenten Bible Study: February 10-March 23, 2016 (seven weeks; Wednesdays, 7:15-8:45 p.m.)
Whatever it is, it will be awesome!
I'll also offer a one or two part series off and on throughout the next year on learning to share your Christian faith: not what I believe, but why I believe. More information soon on this opportunity.
John Wesley understood deep Bible study to be a means of grace-- in other words, the more we study the Bible the closer we are drawn to God. I hope you will join me in one-- or all-- of these new opportunities at Custer Road!